There are several "landmarks" in Jefferson, but I have two favorites. One is The building bearing the name "Center of Main Street." Aother landmark is a colorful bicycle owned and ridden by Glenn Marlatt, a resident of nearby Talbot. On most weekdays, Glenn can be seen riding his bicycle throughout town, stopping to visit with everyone who will stop to chat along his way.
The community center is the hub of the community. Activities for citizens of all ages are planned and enjoyed at the center. Monday is weekly pinochle day. Jim and Marlene Anderson, who have lived in Jefferson for more than 50 years, enjoy the weekly gathering with friends, as well as the good-natured rivalry as they play on opposing teams.
The library and Conser House are another sign of life in Jefferson. Librarian Valerie Hauser has only been on the job for a year, but she is excited about the prospect the new facility that is currently being funded.
Jackie Schumacher, a Stayton resident, has been the assistant librarian for two years. She says she chose the job because she just likes books and people.