Fall has come again, and I sit here pondering it and my life.
A lifetime ago, it seems, I heard the song "Sunrise, Sunset". It included the words "Swiftly fly the years, one season following another"...
As I reflect on those words, I think how appropriate it is. The seasons of life change so quickly, especially once Spring is past.
It's weird how it happens.
One day you are graduating from high school with all of life ahead of you. In a flash you realize you are looking back a lot of life and find yourself wondering how much is left.
Where did my spring and summer go leaving high school, marriage, college, and at least two careers behind me?
Is this fall?
As my spring faded into summer, I remember praying to live long enough to see my children grow up.
It could not have been 26 years! But, it was. My my children are grown up. And I am alive.
I am alive. But is this fall?
Those seedlings had "turned overnight to sunflowers"...marrying, finishing college, beginning careers and having babies of their own.
I cradle my grandchildren and find myself praying again to live long enough--long enough to see my grandchildren grow up.
Grandchildren! I mean, that must be the reward for giving birth and suffering whatever you have to in order to "raise them right".
Grandchildren are 'da bomb'!
God, I need more summer, Indian summer, anything that is not fall. There is too much ahead.
Contrary to the notion that most teens think their parents are dumb, my children seemed to think I was rather intelligent. They asked questions; I had answers.
Now, however, I am brilliant! I am an expert on child rearing, child health, marital relationships, on-the-job issues.
Who knew?
At the tender age of 58 I am so glad 50 is the new 30! Maybe there is a new fall?
The wisdom of the aged is a wonderful thing. I am glad my children think I finally arrived, but I want to be here to savor it.
I pause in a moment of wondering.
Is this what my 90 and 83-year-old parents think as they look back at the three generations that follow them?
A Nissan-Honda merger could be back on the table
10 hours ago
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